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Tuesday, October 3, 2017

A Sad View from the Rear End

Not sure if the NorthWestern Pacific ever carried paying passengers in their cabeese, but on this day there are a few.  The rear brakeman doesn't seem to mind as he wets his whistle. 

According to the eloquent commentary of Beebe and Clegg, Mixed Train Daily, at a time when short lines were still carrying passengers in their crummies and the practice was still somewhat routine, riders would chat with the crew and enjoy the trip.  It may have been a special occasion that brought country folk into town by rail and people used it as an opportunity to gossip and gab.   But sadly, these poor people on this day are too distracted by their techno-toys to care that they are on a train, in a caboose no less, with other folks. 


These parents sat self absorbed in a tiny virtual world while their kids gleefully chattered away in the cupola.  My own youngest son made fast friends with a kiddo he'd never met while I stood down in the aisle below in case the train should rock and he should fall.  After his seat-mate got down mid-ride, I climbed up and joined him.  It was my first ride in a cupola too.  I will have great memories of that ride.  The other adults, well, I suppose they enjoyed whatever it was they were wasn't making memories to last a lifetime.