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Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Back on Station II

I say I'm back on station again because I had neglected this project again.  But now I'm re-engaged and hopefully this time I'll carry it across the finish line.  In addition to some roof work, I'm finalizing the interior details.  The only major custom work left is the ticket window bars...that's something I'm looking forward to seeing, but not necessarily doing.  It will be a challenge, to be sure.

This post however is about the stove.  Even in Florida a stove in the waiting room or even a fireplace was common.  Winters were cold and coffee was enjoyed year 'round so my Ocala Springs station had to have one.  I'd primed and painted the casting itself a while back but hadn't installed it for lack of a good stove pipe.  I was all set to bend one from heavy wire when I remembered I had saved a few sprues in my bits box.

The nice thing about sprues is they come with elbows and angles built-in, for replicating all sorts of piping.  This sprue segment in particular came from a Jordan kit, already black, so no need to paint.  I drilled into the casting as well as the sprue and CA'd a little bit of wire between as an alignment pin.  Then when that was dry I carefully glued the stove in place...though not carefully enough as I still managed to get glue on the chimney.  Hopefully the mistake won't be that visible through the windows.


  1. Galen, this is Russ Bellinis here. I didn't realise how long since I had looked at your blog until I saw your recent post on the MRH forum and thought of you. Wow! You have posted 2 1/2 pages since I was here last.

    You've got a lot of interesting projects done since I was here last!

    1. Hey Russ! Yes, I've been chugging along in fits and spurts, aiming for a more consistent posting schedule. During these trying times I'm sure glad I have a hobby like this, with friends and acquaintances all along the way. I don't post on the forum as often as I used to. The times, they are a changing.

      Thanks for checking in.
