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Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Four Flats - A Twisted Tale of Truss Rods


Well, really, there's no twist.  I just assembled the truss rods according to the original kit instructions, using stock kit parts.  If there is a tale, it's that I almost used fishing line and Tichy turnbuckles instead, but that would have meant routing out a channel for the line, which would have really slowed down the build.  One of the cars I purchased was mostly assembled (guess which one), and I liked the way the original rods and turnbuckles looked.  I did have to replace the brass turnbuckles for one of the kits, but I had some in my stash of parts.

I know I mentioned a few posts back that I'd be talking about when wood doesn't work.  That's still the plan, but lately the whims have been having their way and I've built coupler assemblies and truss rod bits instead.  Eventually.  Maybe next time.  We'll see.  I want to paint and weather the primed deck on the pathfinder model first...


  1. I don't know if it will identify me or not, so this is Russ Bellinis again.

    Wow, I've been gone working at a camp for 2 weeks in the Angeles National Forrest w/no internet access. I come back and see you have been busy! Just touching base once again, friend.

    1. Yes, I came back from my TN/VA trip and got at it. Didn't post for a couple months, but still worked on a few things. Hoping to get these assembled and primed soon.

      Say, Russ, does anybody know what ever happened to Bill Flynn and his Pennsy RR? I sure did enjoy visiting that pike but can't find anything else about it online.

  2. Well, I guess it is determined to call me "unknown".
    Russ Bellinis

  3. I don't remember Bill Flynn. Was he a So Cal modeler?
    Russ Bellinis

    1. Yes. I have pictures I took of his railroad from a layout tour in 2004. He was involved in the NMRA. His railroad was in a building behind his house and his workbench was on a table on a covered back porch. The railroad itself was Pennsy's 4 track main with an urban area on one side, beautiful wooded countryside dotted with homes, and a small branchline town on a penninsula. Very talented modeler with an artistic eye for good scenery, and smooth running trains.

  4. This is Russ again. Do you belong to any of Bob Chapparo's Model Railroad groups? Ha has one on the California Citrus industry, one called "Bull Shippers", and the So Cal Railroad Modeling group. These were originally on Yahoo, but were moved to Groups I.O.

    Bob also organizes regular layout tours in the area. If you post the question about Bill Flynn on the So Cal railroad group, you might get the answer.
