This is the final Drug Store Saga post for the present until the NMRBO24 diorama has been constructed, and perhaps long after that. I did recently have to resist the urge to throw the uncompleted structure. It has become time to set it aside, not only due to the impending diorama construction period (March 1 - July 1) but also for reasons to do with the structure itself.
Even if I had not decided to modify the thing into a different shape I can say with some certainty I'd have still struggled at this point. The problem lies with the storefront entrance and windows. I thought I was doing a good thing when I made this jig:
The notch on the corner holds the doorway in position so the windows can be glued to it - glued on a thin sliver of metal at a sharp angle. I used gel superglue for its gap-filling properties but still the dadgum assemblage managed to break loose twice.
And once I got it all to hold together, even tenuously, and could offer it up to the building, I realized that the entryway, though at a 45 degree angle, did not match the corner bay window. Not even close. To add insult to injury, the walls adjacent to the windows weren't long enough, by about 1/8th of an inch.
I can make new walls; there's plenty of wall texture card. I can make a new jig and reinforce the weak joint and get the thing to align with the tower. All of these problems have solutions. But right now I'm not going to. I'm stepping away. As I'm writing this the kit parts have been back in the box for a few days and the structure sits in place on the layout, propped up by a bit of sidewalk because the metal castings on the facade make it tip over without its entry door and windows there to support it.
Sometimes just walking away from a project is the right thing to do.